
Posts Tagged ‘sex’

Whim #22: Why We Won’t be Discussing the Aesthetic Components of my Vagina

December 28, 2012 1 comment

Serious side-eye at this very topic

Recently, Jane published two articles written by women who opened the floor to discussion on the many looks of the labia and whether or not guys care. All I could think was, “Why ruin the fantasy, ladies?” One writer even went so far as to question what may be on every guy’s mind: “In or out?”

Make. It. Stop. This is the one thing that men definetly dgaf about. It can be fat, round, streamlined, bald or furry, and he will still start sweating like a Mark Zuckerberg interview, from merely being in the same room as it.

Let’s just shut up and keep the dream alive. ((((hugs))))

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